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I am from a little beach town called Balboa Island located in sunny southern California. To answer a few questions that may arise after that statement: No, I do not surf. No, I do not know any celebrities. No, my mom is not a real housewife. My current home can be found in the random place known as Greenville, South Carolina where I attend Furman University. Some of my favorite things in the world also include watching sunsets, chilling with my best friends, laughing, sarcastic humor, and surrounding myself with flowers. Even greater than that is my love for adventure. Anytime, anywhere. Whenever I get that chance, I pack my bags and go somewhere. Whether it be a small camping trip over a holiday weekend or three weeks exploring Europe. But travel is just one of the loves of my life because then there’s food. Some may consider it a necessity of life but I consider it so much more than that. It is traveling that made me see food in such a new light. In my younger days, I was the pickiest of the pickiest. I wanted what I wanted and that didn’t include trying anything new. Traveling forced me to try new foods as I felt the need to immerse myself in the culture of where I was. Doing so allowed me to appreciate where I was so much more than I ever thought possible. I know the saying goes ‘eat to live not live to eat’ but sometimes I just can’t help myself. Food brings people together the way traveling does whether you’re with friends, family, or complete strangers. Check out my travel and food photography in my menu!

A Bit About Me

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